Life is a constant battle
As I am now struggling for my own battle --- exams, I came across something a little more important to know than the medical/scientific facts i learnt in class. yeah we know that the genocide is still going on in Darfur, Sudan. And we also know that big nations like the US is unwilling to give a hand, and UN peace keeping is done minimally there due to the devastation. But what I didn't know is this organization for rallie, And apparently this was started by George Clooney ... (yeah he is a cool leftist in the hollywood now, after the movies he produced.... or rather, just cool not to be a republican if you are in the US.)
Something else related to Africa is about a water-project in Mozambique that I heard of today, which apparently will be an ecological disaster. Things like this remind me of the book by Nareen Hertz called I.O.U., in which she argues how detb and funds from IMF and World Bank have become a new currency for the developed nations to make money. In fact, when most of the developing (or as WTO now put it, Least Developed Countries) nations ask for money, they have stipulations: open up market, ease the trade barriers and tariffs, commit to an interest that the country themselves cannot even pay up within the time the current president is in the house. So a lot of these desparate nations then do anything they could to make money, then start to forget about the basic infrastructure, or worse, their basic production/industry and natural resources, and end up ruining the "motherland", which is arguably the continent with the richest resources. Debt indeed, is a new form of exploitation and colonization. Indeed, when I was reading the book I almost gave up reading halfway 'cause some of the things said are so disgustingly depressing. Like how some Wall Street traders would "trade" some countries "debt": in other words, all those debts of these countries, which include all nations between Uganda and Peru, were put on market as bonds so buyers can buy them like stocks, all around the world. This was one way that some developing countries make a bit more money...or for most of the time, forced to do so cause of the economic pressure. It's because of this kinda shit that we saw the crying mothers in Italy sometime ago in late 90's after they had known that all their pension were gone after being put on the Argentinian debt bonds, 'cause Argentina's then-new-leader refused to pay up. Or the East Asian Crisis in 1997, when this dude named Soros and others decided to "attack" our asian currency, and screwed us all up over here. That impact was just as damaging to Indonesia as the Tsunami. Yeah you gotta wonder what those traders in their cubicles were doing when these things happened. Punk ass capitalists. It's disgusting.
Something nice this week is that i finally got my ears on the 3rd Kobayashi album, straight up form Montreal. The Jazz grooves over the electro-beats are gonna be the only force that carries me through my upcoming two weeks of constant brain-stuffing. I would write about this album and my love for this Kobayashi sounds if I have time...just not now.... (i got a lot of things to write about when I finish exam, don't I). You know I would lend it to anyone who is interested, cause their sounds are just better be heard than said. (But if you are in Canada, just go get it. Don't be cheap on this one.)
Peace out. Phil
the Americans are in debt themselves, they're constantly printing debentures, apparently it works. how do they clear their record? well, 25 years later u'll have a newer piece of paper with a different signiture and the same stamp, 50 years later you'll have that electronically.
Really, Hong Kong is rich.
then u ask where does the money come from, well, it's the happy money multiplier /(1/1-r). they know that the End of Days is near, so it's more important to print than to pay.
American wisdom.
hey man, capitalist society, so thats the way to go... greed, jealousy, and all the other stuff that comes with the capitalist package.
but hey, without all of that, we would never have the same life styles we have now...
so would you trade your t-shirts for equality in Indonesia?
dude, you will not believe what happened to me at indigo! i went down during exams to pick up kobayashi because i was seriously needing some smooth jazz tunes to help me through the trauma we call exams, and i go to pay... low-and-behold the dude behind the cash counter in the record section at indigo IS one of the trumpet players in kobayashi. i didn't even know what to say... his buddy came over looked at me and said with a smirk, "hey that's a wicked album. you should enjoy it." and i turned to the other guy (the trumpet player) and said, "oh, i know i will. thanks." and the dude blushed and smiled! how crazy is that??? gotta love how life surprises you all the time man.
by the way, good luck on those med exams. i know you will kick ass.
dai lo! i said i was going to start my own blog soon, but i still haven't gotten around to doing it, maybe it's the sheer intimidation of sharing my thoughts when i know so little about everything. anyway, i figure i start by leaving comments on your blog, since you always say i never read you stuff. i intended to say something intelligent, but having read your blog, i'm not going to pretend i understand what you're talking about, so i'll just write whatever is on my mind. now that i'm back in the good old USA, i'm beginning to feel trapped in this isolated bubble where nothing outside it matters. there are fewer anti-american discussions and i'm forced to be critical of everything that surrounds me. critical thinking is what i need to work on, but i also need to be more informed of everything. step aside paris hilton, world issues here i come! anyway, i'm not being very productive at home. study a little, apply to a few jobs, watch hours of brainwashing tv... i'm bored.
i just thought of something else to say. life really is a constant battle, but these days especially, i find that i'm battling myself. maybe i'm not very disciplined, or maybe it's the suburb environment that makes me lazy, i have trouble waking up before 11am everyday. this is sad. i used to search for external factors to motivate myself, but what i've realized is that the motivation must come from within or else it won't last. any words of wisdom you can share with me on this matter is kindly appreciated dai lo.
Seems like M da Dawg is hitting his existential wall real hard this time. I understand your pain man. And exactly because of this, you should start your blog. that's what got me to start mine a month ago. Don't need to be afraid of not knowing enough, 'cause you never will. Socrates was a wise man because he had the guts to acknowledge his own ignorance. He put up with his fear of not knowing, in order to know more.
i had this same concern too you know, before i started this blog. then after some 7 months of thinking i realise fear of any kind is to be lived with, not to be feared. And the truth is every individual's ideas and thoughts should be special. that of course, is based on the pressumption that the individual had thought about things real hard, instead of just sharing when he/she craps today as his/er "thought".
Sometimes you face an existential wall 'cause you are at the point of moving to the next level of your quest for life's meaning. Kinda like religion. It will take effort to break it, but it will be worth it. you gotta pay to cost to be the boss man.
C'mon dawg, soul-serach over here.
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